Sunday, August 1, 2010

Get Started Working Online

Show me the Mo-HONEY!

I know that nearly all new people are looking to make money online and need some direction. So, I am going to talk about using FREE services to initially get you started.

If you do have money to invest, then it should be spent initially on advertising. (After you have got all this stuff below set up and running). I would suggest PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing. It is relatively easy to learn to use to develop a simple flow of traffic to your website or blog.

Now, - PPC is and can be a lot more involved than that, I just want to simplify the process for you. However, the PPC (how to) info, will have to wait for now. I will make a separate post about basic PPC methods for you later.

Where to start! The Hard Way or The Easy Way?
I believe that there is always money to be made, whatever your interest. At the very least you can put together an information report about your subject and sell it. A report will increase its value, as you extend the information and turn it into a guide or e-book.

Not enough money in it! You THINK?
What about starting a project in your spare time, whilst still working for a living. Then you get your FREE Blog and FREE Twitter working for you. Then set up selling your download of an e-book through a FREE hosting service! Like my friend, who sells about $1,800's worth of his e-book every month, (fully automated and hand's-off), using FREE services. It is a full resale rights pack and he didn't even write the book or course, nor does he write any of the articles he uses. It is in the Tattoo Designs niche! As he says, "It pays the Mortgage!"

You may also be able to develop products within your line of interest yourself. If not, there are already lots of products covering nearly every subject you can mention. Usually the best and easy way to get started is to look for existing products from other vendors and sell those.

There are products you can purchase the resale rights to, or buy the licence to sell them and keep all the profits yourself, but that usually involves having to sort out all the website landing pages and dealing with customers and providing your own shopping cart and support etc. There is an easier way to get started.

The Easy Way.
Using ClickBank is the easiest way to start that I know of! Here's the simple truth and a reality check for you! If you cannot sell stuff from ClickBank, then you need to pack your dreams away for a while until you have learned more about selling online. Oh, and don't give up your day job. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or condescending, but I hear plenty of stories of people giving up their jobs to start their online businesses, only to fail and blame the system and not themselves.

There's no-need to give up your day job, just get started for free in your spare time. Then, take it from there! Add paid advertising then expand your operation.

If you check you will probably find many products that will match your subject interest or niche. ClickBank has digital products that are usually sold online, where the delivery follows instantly after the purchase. The products are usually eBooks and courses that may also comprise of video and audio packages.

Choose a favorite subject or something of interest to you. Then start to write a BLOG about your interest and get a Twitter account for telling the world about your new blog.

Blog with Google's own Blogging Platform 'Blogger'. (You are looking at a Blogger Blog right now)! Do you see loads of relative banners and links on this page? They are all links that will make money for me, but only if you go off and buy the product or pay to use the service at the other end. I even get paid sometimes, just for a visitor clicking on links and checking out the other advertisers links, so it is not too hard to make money online! You can do this too!

Before you set up your blog, you will need to get a free Google account. Google is the best for all the services you will need to write your blog.

Keep records with Google Documents, compose and spell check within Google Documents, download files as PDF's and start writing articles to talk about your interest. You can create presentations within Google Documents.

Name your blog and Twitter account with a similar name to your area of interest, so, if you are interested a certain breed of animal, dog, cat, gecko or whatever. Think of a name that implies the area of interest.. GeckoKeeper - or ILoveGeckos / IloveCats / CatPawstNews.

Create the content for your Blog and Twitter pages yourself. It is the easiest and safest way to make sure that you don't step on any-one's toes, when it comes to copyright infringement. For example; Use your own pictures of yourself for your blog and Twitter photo. Write your own intro and fill in your bio and as much about yourself as you are willing to give out.

Personalise the look of your Blog and Twitter page to match your niche subject if possible. Try to create a 'Brand' look, by using similar fonts and colours, so that people can see that the blog page and Twitter page obviously go together!

An Overview.
So, using FREE services - you can find a product of interest to you, market it, (this simply means talking and writing about it). then providing a link to the customer, so that they can go and buy it! I make it sound so easy, don't I? Well, at the basic level, that is all you really have to do, it is not rocket science!

Sign-up with ClickBank. - Choose a product.
Sign-up with Google and set up a Blogger blog about your niche product.
Sign-up with Twitter and link and match your page to your blog. Then find followers by; -
Signing-up with and get your quality Twitter followers from relative categories!

Twitter about your subject on Twitter; Make posts on your blog and give your ClickBank link in the posts as you talk about the benefits of your product. (And if available, you may have banners that link to your vendors product on you blog).

Don't just write about the product it's-self, write about related issues too. This may be health concerns or negatives of not using the product. It could be reviews of other products in the same niche, thus giving your readers even more variety or a wider choice of products.

Try to write clear informative articles about your subject and post them on FREE article submission sites. Free article submission sites, generally allow you an authors box at the foot of the article, to put in your own links to your blog and-or website. One article may bring traffic for many years and get re-used on other peoples sites, thus creating more inward-bound links to your blog or website!

You can find ideas for your own articles by searching for your topic on these same article sites too, or even simply using other peoples articles in the first instance. (Just be sure, you also use the original authors links within the post, as per the rules and copyright laws of these types of sites).

If you have chosen a good ClickBank product, the vendor, (the originator of the product), will usually provide an affiliates page, where you can copy script code for banners to put on your blog. They may even provide full articles for you to use 'as is', or to modify to make the article unique. There may also be product images for you to use on your site!
ClickBank is FREE to sign up to. You then select a product of interest to you in ClickBank's marketplace. I won't bore you with how to sign-up at ClickBank, you should just be able to follow the on screen instructions from ClickBank.

My thoughts on this are, (it is tough love though, I know), but I think, if you cannot find your way through a simple sign-up process, then you are going to have a lot of difficulty online. I may point out certain things for particular sign-up processes, that are not always self explanatory.

Like with ClickBank, (your ClickBank ID forms part of your URL, (the www. address) and is also used for tracking sales); so don't use your first name as your ClickBank ID, because it will just look stupid! (Don't use your surname either)! It's not too bad if you already have done that, it is just often better to try to use an ID that looks like gibberish-code, or is in fact the opposite; a name that implies your niche. i.e. If you are in the pet dog products niche, and that is 'all' you are ever going to intend to sell, then 'petdog' may be a good name to use.

However, consider that you may later find that the dog niche is not working for you and you want to use the same account for cat products or worse financial advice or foreign-trading and investment info. Then 'petdog' is not going to fit or sound very professional. Where-as gibberish-code like 'Gtopsgek' is none recognisable as any particular niche and can be used for literally any product!

The basics is down to selling stuff. (WHAT? You don't like to sell)? Everything you talk about positively 'is selling'; even if you are telling a friend of some new movie, or restaurant, or new car you like or whatever it is. You have only to get passionate about something and you will find that you can sell it!

I know why people hate selling, it is because they have probably been either sold-to by someone they didn't like, and or been pressured into buying something they didn't want or need; or they were actually forced to sell something they didn't want to sell, because they knew it was not as good as they were being told to say and they possibly were not passionate enough about the product themselves.

The News.
What you will discover, is if you were to continue doing what you are doing now, is that people will continue to buy stuff, all sorts of stuff. The world will not stop buying stuff just because you give up on your dream to make money somehow.

All you have to do, is choose what stuff you want to sell and then put your self in the market place were people are buying it! And here's the headline for that news. "People will buy what you sell." It really is as simple as that!

Do you think an expensive product will sell better or worse than an inexpensive product?

Lets say you sell an eBook about Dog-Food Dangers. (by the way, I do, and I make a lot of money with it too)! Maybe you have two different offers, one with all the bells and whistles and the other is a different version of the same eBook without all the extras. One is priced at $97 and the other at $5. A customer may see the two eBooks and decide between them. Here is their logic.

Scenario One.
One person will say, the $97 eBook has all the recipes and lots of info that must obviously cover everything that the cheap eBook does. Also, for $5 the other eBook must be rubbish!
Yet another person, will say that the $5 eBook is all they will need, (perhaps they don't have or want to spend $97 for information). They will justify, that the $5 eBook is the one for them!

Scenario Two.
You may have the exact same product as a competitor, yours turns out to be more expensive. The customer may choose your more expensive product, simply because they think the more expensive product is better in some-way. After-all, you pay more for quality don't you? We all know that, like its an unspoken rule or law!

Don't like selling? Get Run-Over.
Selling is as easy as trying to get yourself run over. (Not that I've tried that particular technique myself)! But, if you wanted to get run over, you would not stand on the pavement of a suburban road on a Sunday morning. If you want to get run over, try standing on a busy highway, or a motorway that carries lots of fast moving traffic at rush-hour. Your goal may then soon be reached.

It is the same with selling stuff. If you sell stuff, you need to put yourself on that highway where the buyers are. If you sell music downloads, you need to be advertising in the blogs and forums and on the websites that are talking about your style of music. Also, you need to advertise your products with the right style and keywords that will match your product to what your potential customers are actually searching for.

Please check back with this blog for future posts that will take this subject further for you, I hope that this is enough to get you started. As a point of note, you now know more than I did about all of this stuff, when I got started!

of the main AndyGold's Money Makers BLOG page.

TAGS: making money, to make money, How to make money, Working Online,


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