Thursday, February 26, 2009

You ain't got the money or the time?

You ain't got the money or the time? WHAT!

No - and I'll tell you, you never will have! DO YOU KNOW WHY?

Because:- YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT! (Yes, I'm shouting, sorry, you know it makes me so mad)!

Well, its those people who whinge on about not having enough time or money to do the things they want to do, I just want to grab them and slap them!

I make money online and I'll help others who want to do the same.. Its not all for personal gain or anything like that, (I know you've probably already made your mind up anyway, but I'll tell you the truth)..

You see, it just so happens that the main niche I'm in, happens to be in the self development and income generation line. Why, well, I got started for free, I did all the work myself without spending money on servers, hosts, advertising, marketing, domain names, what-ever-else-you-can-think-of. I didn't buy it. - Not because I didn't want to, but because I had no-money!

The products I bought into and learnt from also had affiliate programs and when I told people what I was doing, they wanted to do the same. When they bought the products I also made some money, it soon dawned on me that I was actually doing what I had set out to do!

So don't think you can tell me that its impossible to get started for free, I know the truth from personal experience! You know what also? If I were talking to someone who insists on this line, face to face, I'd have to turn and walk away from them, simply because its like they are calling me a liar! So don't call me a liar, I'm telling you, I got started for free and you can do the same!

So, you are going to say.. "Then why are you offering to help others? What's in it for you?
Well, I'd like to think that if I can help you make some money, you'd at least give me credit for it!
Also, if you do spend any money (the money you've made from me helping you), on the programs I promote to you, ones I also use to learn and make money with, then often I will also make money via an affiliate sale.

I'm not trying to hide anything, or be frugal with the truth! I'm telling you or showing you something that is actually making money for me. There's nothing particularly special or spectacular about me, except that I have belief and faith in myself and understand what and why I'm doing what I'm doing!

So, in a way, I am special and spectacular, in that... Most people cannot ever develop this level of belief in themselves. Here's a saying, that is part of my self-talk, you should make it part of yours...

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't.... YOU'RE RIGHT!

So how do you do this? First things first, you need to realise that time IS your limited asset, but in this case when you are just starting out, if you truly have no-money to invest in your business, then TIME is your only viable FREE asset you have to give..

Here's one of my self-talk statements that you will need to have and remind yourself of -on a regular basis..
Time IS my only LIMITED resource!

How do you make time? - Well, what about all the time you spend watching TV, most of that is wasted time! Especially if its a dope opera or unreality TV show! (Why call them "REALITY" when no-one's life is really like anything they ever do / apart from watching them sleep)!

Sorry, I'm a bit jaded about all that TV Shh.. Stuff, but I can only see it as a waste of time, if you haven't done the things you need to do to make a living and designing a lifestyle first! After you've put in enough time, then you can reap the rewards!

Why is it that some people can barely afford the TV licence fee or the electricity bill to power it, yet avoid doing any work to get them out of their money getting troubles?

If your desire is strong enough, you will find the time. I used to come home after 14 hours out at work, then sit and learn and work at my computer till I either fell asleep or had to go to work again the next day. Yes, I'd worked all day, spent all night building my dream, then gone to work again the next day with no-sleep! I found the time - it was hard, but I did it!
So, this brings me to the next point. If you don't actually have to do that, why would you want to? You have no-boss standing over you, cracking a whip. No reason (YET), to build your own business online. Perhaps you can't see it, or you don't realise how much money you can make..
Usually, I find it is self-belief, or lack of it. Look, there are all these other people online, making money, thousands of new people everyday starting out and becoming financially free. Do you think there is no-room left for you. Every last single spot has been taken, besides which, doing what I do, or whatever niche it is, means finding new customers or clients all the time will be impossible. (Fine then - stay broke - if that's what you really believe)!
Everything requires work, real work. Don't believe all these claims that say you will get rich quick, like overnight, just by joining this or that program and doing no-work. I've never seen it and although I've heard lots of hype from people, I've never actually met anyone who's done it!
I have met and know people who did it the same way as me, or have had an advantage of having money to put in to get started. If you NEED to get started for free, or verey low budget then you are in for a long haul and hard work. You will still have a better chance than I did, because I had no-one to follow to start me off.
As soon as I started making money, I knew I had to put it back into my business. I bought into a few things, without really knowing what to expect, with no-advice from a thrid part who had my interest at heart.. LOOK, I'm not going to let you get burned, follow what I tell you to do and you will only risk loosing what you have put in, due to your own lack of TIME input!
If you have any money at all, you need to start with Start-Your-Profits-Today, from Michael Cheney, you could find it on your own, but I suggest you should use my link. This is because I have taken the time to show you and introduce this program to you.
It was the best program I purchased, it gave me lots of info and step by step videos that showed me exactly what I needed to know to get started.
Here it is Start-Your-Profits-Today.
So, If your interested, read on, and you will find out why I was wound-up, and what got me to write this.

OK, so why am I upset? (Imitate sounding like Al Pacino in Scarface)... This Funking Guy... he took my time and effort, whinging all the way, made some money, blew it on rubbish that I told him wouldn't work, but its his money....

Still whinging (not me, HIM)!.. I help him make some more money, I ask him to get XYZ product that will take his knowledge to the next level and hopefully, his income along with it..

But, you know what.. He only starts asking that if, he avoids using the link I've provided him, will he get it cheaper? NO - I replied, its the same price, it only means that if you buy it through my link, I'll get a small commission... If not, all the money you pay will go to the seller!

So.. this is what makes me angry, not only am I helping him free of charge, putting in my-time and knowledge. BUT - HE IS ASKING IF I CAN GIVE HIM MY COMMISSION TO MAKE HIS PURCHASE MORE AFFORDABLE! The cheek of it!

OK, sorry, I know, I know, I asked for it! But, a bit of advice for you; If someone is helping you and guiding you to make money online, don't try to sidestep them when they tell you where to buy XYZ! I'd say, its even rude to ask the question in the first place!

He went to all the trouble of setting up and signing up his wife as an affiliate, so that he could purchase the product, get the commission and save himself a few quid!
(There is a term to describe him, but I cannot say the big "W" word on here)!

Hey, but - you know what, I didn't get angry or upset at him personally. I just said, there's the link, you'll pay the same physical price either way! (He didn't get it - but then I'm a sarcastic type sometimes and I don't always get my point over properly when I'm angered).

So, in case he ever reads this post, or I have not made myself clear -
Q. Did I help him any-more? Nope!
Q, Where's the product he purchased? - (probably lost on one of his hard drives amongst all the PC games and other tat he has on his computer).
Q, Is he still working 9 to 5? Err... YES!


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